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Bur Marigold Seeds - Bidens Aurea

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Bur Marigold Bidens Aurea is a short-lived, tender perennial that is more often grown as an annual. Bur Marigold seeds are easy to grow, and also called Hannay's Lemon Drop or Arizona Beggarstick this tall annual plant features attractive, dark-green, fern-like foliage that is topped with showy, lemon-yellow, coreopsis-like flowers. The bloom period is long and lasts from summer until fall. The Bur Marigold flowers have the vanilla scent that attract bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects. 

Bur Marigold is often used in mass planting or as bordering plant. Because of its airy foliage and attractive flowers, Bur Marigold is an outstanding choice for hanging baskets and containers. Bidens Aurea seeds have to be just barely covered with soil, and the established Hannay's Lemon Drop tolerates drought preferring to grow in full sun and moist but well drained soil; however, this flower can benefit from some afternoon shade. Bur Marigold self-sows itself under right conditions.

Season: Perennial/Annual
Height: 20 Inches 
Bloom Season: Summer/Fall
Environment: Sun/Partial Shade 
Soil Type: Average/Light/Moist well-drained, pH 5.6-7.8
USDA Zones: 7-10 (As Perennial) All Regions of North America (As Annual)

Sow Indoors: Spring (6-8 weeks before last frost) 
Sow Outdoors: Spring
Seed Depth: 1/16 Inch 
Germination Time: 14-21 Days