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Fountain Grass Black Seeds - Pennisetum Alopecuroides Viridescens

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Fountain Grass Black Pennisetum Alopecuroides Viridescens is a warm season, evergreen, black-flowering ornamental grass. Another common name of this popular grass is Chinese Fountain Grass, and easily established from Fountain Grass Black seeds, Pennisetum Alopecuroides Viridescens grows 36 inches tall forming lush clumps of the fine, deep green foliage that changes its color to golden yellow in fall and to beige in late fall remaining its attractive appearance throughout the winter. The fuzzy, smoky, purple-black flower spikes emerge in late summer persist until late fall or early winter and making nice contrast with the green foliage.

Fountain Grass Black makes a wonderful accent in the sunny landscape, and this ornamental grass looks beautiful grown in masses. Fountain Grass is often planted in border, containers, rock gardens, damp areas, and at the edges of ponds. Pennisetum Alopecuroides Viridescens seeds germinate in 14-30 days, and Chinese Fountain Grass grows best in the northern regions or areas with cooler summers.

Season: Perennial 
Height: 36 Inches 
Bloom Season: Summer/Fall 
Environment: Sun
Soil Type: Average/Poor/Moist well-drained, pH 5.8-6.8
USDA Zones: 5-9

Sow Indoors: Winter/Spring (4-6 weeks before last frost) 
Sow Outdoors: Spring
Seed Depth: Surface sowing - press seeds slightly into the soil and cover seed lightly with vermiculite
Germination Time: 14-30 Days