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King's Spear Seeds - Asphodeline Lutea

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King's Spear Asphodeline Lutea is a perennial wildflower from the Mediterranean region. King's Spear seeds may be started indoors in pots 6-8 weeks before last spring frost date, or they can be sown directly outdoors in fall or spring. Also commonly called Yellow Asphodel and Yellow Jacob's Rod, Asphodeline Lutea a fast-growing broadleaf deciduous perennial that features blue and green foliage with clumps of narrow, linear, grassy, gray-green leaves and stiff, thick, upright stems that are topped by a dense cylindrical raceme of fragrant, large-bracted, yellow flowers. Flowers turn to globose green seed pods that once mature, change their color to brown. The showy Yellow Jacob's Rod wildflower attracts bees, butterflies and other pollinators to its nectar-rich blossoms.

King's Spear plant is best for planting in groups, or planted as groundcover, in perennial borders, cottage gardens, ornamental gardens, wild gardens and for xeriscaping, and its flower stems work very well as cut flowers, and dried flowers or fruits are valued for dried arrangements. Yellow Jacob's Rod is a good choice for dry and gravel gardens as well as prairie and meadow style planting schemes. Asphodeline Lutea seeds must be exposed to temperatures averaging 41-45°F for at least 4-6 weeks before they can germinate. Once established, Yellow Asphodel is a low maintenance plant that tolerates drought conditions and heat preferring to grow in a very warm, sunny location and average, gritty, lean, rocky and well-drained soil.

Season: Perennial
Height: 3-4 Feet
Bloom Season: Spring/Summer
Environment: Full Sun
Soil Type: Average/Sandy/Loamy/Moist well-drained, pH 6.0-7.5
USDA Zones: 5-9

Sow Indoors: Winter/Spring (6-8 weeks before last frost)
Sow Outdoors: Fall/Spring
Seed Depth: 1/8 Inch
Germination Time: 30-90 Days