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Lettuce Butterhead Buttercrunch Organic Seeds - Lactuca Sativa

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Lettuce Butterhead Organic Buttercrunch Lactuca Sativa is an open pollinated slow bolting, long standing, bibb butterhead type of lettuce. Organic Lettuce Butterhead Buttercrunch seeds germinate quickly, and the seeds can be planted directly outdoors in spring or fall. The lettuce may be continuously planted in 3 weeks intervals. This lettuce variety produces small, loosely folded heads with 4.5 inches thick, dark green outside, and creamy-yellow inside blistered leaves.

Organic Lettuce Butterhead Buttercrunch is equally good for both the home gardens and fresh market growers. This lettuce has a mild buttery flavored taste, and its broad green leaves are delicious, but the best part is the heart of loosely folded leaves and thick, crisp, tender ribs. The unique mild flavor of Lettuce Butterhead Buttercrunch makes this variety excellent for salads and garnishes.