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Gazania Garden Leader Bronze Seeds - Gazania Rigens

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Gazania Garden Leader Bronze Gazania Rigens is a herbaceous, evergreen perennial flowering plant native to South Africa. Gazania Garden Leader Bronze seeds can be planted indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost in colder climates, or the seeds can be planted directly outdoors everywhere else. Also commonly known as Treasure Flower, Gazania Rigens is grown as a tender perennial in frost-free climates, and everywhere else Gazania is grown as an annual flower. Gazania Garden Leader Bronze features trailing, silvery-green foliage with narrow dandelion-like leaves, and the upright, 6-10 inches tall flowering stems are topped by extremely showy, daisy-like, bronze colored with contrasting orange centers flowers. Treasure Flower blooms repeatedly from summer through fall in cooler climates and fall, winter and spring in hot climates.

Gazania Garden Leader Bronze is a popular ground cover and border plant. Other garden applications for Gazania include mass planting, xeriscape gardens, window baskets, rock gardens, containers, hanging baskets, and pots. Gazania Rigens seeds germinate in two weeks, and the established Treasure Flower thrives in full sun, and dry or moist, but well-drained soil tolerating drought and heat. Gazania re-seeds itself freely.

Season: Perennial/Annual 
Height: 12 Inches 
Bloom Season: Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter
Environment: Sun
Soil Type: Average/Dry/Moist well-drained, pH 5.8-6.8
USDA Zones: 8-11 (As Perennial) All Regions of North America (As Annual)

Sow Indoors: Winter (Indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost) 
Sow Outdoors: Spring In Zones 8-11(Outdoors) 
Seed Depth: Surface sowing - press seeds slightly into the soil
Germination Time: 14-21 Days